It is one of my favorite times of the month... FULL MOON!
Time to 'pull those weeds' and let go of all that doesn't serve you.
Aquarius full moon energy is all about going big and stepping forward into your true hearts desire! Today take a moment to look to the sky this evening, write down and release those pesky negative emotions, let go of the self doubt and worry, this will make room in your energy field for your future visions and dreams to come forward.

It's time to get down to business -- use the moon to help you. Let that light guide you and inspire you to do what you're being called to do! You don't have to go it alone, maybe it is time to connect and get together with a few special friends that lift you up or just a . Perhaps you take one baby step towards that future you envision for yourself. A simple journal entry or a note on your phone of your wishes, and intentions will go a long way.
When you start a personal practice of  a little quiet time during the full moon and new moon, you will notice that your intentions start to align to your actions and you may start to feel more in the flow of life. Flowing in life is when daily activities and work seem a little easier, when your plans just happen with ease.
Three Gems for Full Moon Rituals & Stepping Forward in Life

    #1: Prehnite: amazing heart (4th) chakra gem to support you in being truthful in all areas of life, most importantly to yourself. This gem is wonderful if you aren't sure about something or life. Wear Prehnite and set the intention for listening to your true heart's desire.
       #2: Lepidolite: one of my my favorite gem for letting go, releasing what doesn't serve you, supporting you in building independence. Lepidolite will strengthen your intuition being a third eye (6th) chakra gem. Use Lepidolite for helping you clean house. The practice of making space energetically will set you on course to be open to new beginnings and opportunities.
         #3: Conch Shell: who doesn't love a little ocean energy to support growth and new endeavors. Conch Shell a heart (4th) chakra element this shell will bring you clarity just like a day at the beach. Allowing your mind and soul time to just be and see what becomes clear for you. 

        Personal Moon Reflections

        I am excited about the future, and wildly grateful for all that IS.
        I just am coming off healing from a fractured foot - seven hot summer weeks in a boot -- boo whooo :(
        Now that I am free from the beloved boot and duck shoe (yes it looked like a duck foot), I can now see and understand the meaning behind those weeks of being a bit locked down.
        Having to take it a slower, trying to move and stay active when my foot was literally immobile was hard for me. If you know me, you know -- I do not stop and being still is a difficult task for me.

        I did slow down overall and also took a much needed vacation for the month of July. I hosted my sweet 11 year old niece in the Keys and spent time with family back home in Buffalo on the shore of Lake Erie. The last two weeks I have been bootie free and I feel so free! I have a clear mind and more focus than ever. I hesitate to admit for fear of losing it -- I feel more calm, cool and collected and I like this, now I have to work to keep this energy going.
        My lessons I learned were to be kinder to myself, to allow things to move slower and how important it is to be more thoughtful about what & when I actually do things.
        Today, I step into the powerful Aquarius energy, with a revitalized mental spirit that is helping me move and make daily life decisions with more discernment. I am grateful for all that is, I am hopeful for where my future is going, and I am filled with so much gratitude for all that is right now.
        I am manifesting a grounded, calm Karen for the Fall & Winter, and I my heart's truest desire is to aim for the sky and no matter where I land I will be grateful.

        May your Aquarius full moon reflections bring you peace and inspiration from the depths of your heart & soul.

        Tune in. Try on. #FindYourZEN no matter if you are near or far. 

        In Health & Happiness, Karen xo


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